- Biochemistry
- Histology
- Cardiovascular
- Respiratory
- Gastrointestinal
- Urinary
- Reproductive
- Neurology
- Endocrine
- Immunology/Haematology
Gas Exchange
Gas exchange is the process by which oxygen and carbon dioxide move between the bloodstream and the lungs. This is the primary function of the respiratory system and is essential for ensuring a constant supply of oxygen to tissues. This article will discuss the principles of gas exchange, factors affecting the rate of exchange, and relevant clinical conditions.
Our second article in this section describes the physiology of ventilation-perfusion matching. Ensuring that the ventilation and perfusion of the lungs are adequately matched is vital for ensuring continuous delivery of oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide from the body. In this article, we will discuss ventilation- perfusion matching, how mismatch may occur and how this may be corrected.